Schakel Arjan H. (2021) 'Exploring and explaining trends in decentralization,' in Ignacio Lago (Ed.) Handbook on Decentralization, Devolution and the State. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Hooghe, Liesbet, Marks, Gary and Schakel, Arjan H. (2020) 'Multilevel governance,' in Daniele Caramani (Ed.) Comparative Politics. Fifth Edition. Oxford University Press, pp.193-210. [link] [pdf]
Massetti, Emanuele and Schakel, Arjan H. (2020) 'Regionalist Parties and the European Union,' in Finn Laursen (Ed.) The Oxford Encyclopedia of European Union politics. Oxford University Press. [doi] [pdf]
Schakel, Arjan H. and Massetti, Emanuele (2020) 'Regional institutions and the European Union,' in Finn Laursen (Ed.) The Oxford Encyclopedia of European Union politics. Oxford University Press. [doi] [pdf]
Schakel, Arjan H. (2020) ‘Mesurer le fédéralisme et al décentralisation: l’index sur l’autorité régionale,’ in Félix Mathieu, Dave Guénette, and Alain-G. Gagnon (Eds.) Conquante déclinai-sons de fédéralisme. Québec: Presses de l’Université du Québec, pp.211-222. [link] [pdf]
Schakel, Arjan H. (2019) 'The European multilevel party system: moving towards unity or diversity?,' in Jacint Jordana, Michael Keating, Axel Marx, and Jan Wouters (Eds.) Changing borders in Europe. Exploring the dynamics of integration, differentiation and self-determination in the European Union. Abingdon: Routledge, pp.39-56. [doi] [pdf]
Schakel, Arjan H. (2018) 'Denationalization of elections? Tracing the developments in the conceptualization and measurement of the nationalization of the vote,' in Klaus Detterbeck and Eve Hepburn (Eds.) Handbook on Territorial Politics. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp.107-119. [link] [pdf]
Schakel, Arjan H. and Dandoy, Régis (2017) "Introduction: an analytical framework for studying territoriality of the vote in Eastern Europe" in Arjan H. Schakel (ed.) Regional and national elections in Eastern Europe. Territoriality of the vote in ten countries, pp. 1-33. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan. [doi] [pdf]
Hutcheson, Derek and Schakel, Arjan H. (2017) "Russia: nationalisation achieved through electoral and institutional engineering" in Arjan H. Schakel (ed.) Regional and national elections in Eastern Europe. Territoriality of the vote in ten countries, pp. 177-206. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan. [doi] [pdf]
Schakel, Arjan H. (2017) "Conclusion: towards an explanation of the territoriality of the vote in Eastern Europe" in Arjan H. Schakel (ed.) Regional and national elections in Eastern Europe. Territoriality of the vote in ten countries, pp. 287-325. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan. [doi] [pdf]
Schakel, Arjan H. (2017) "Moving towards a dissolved or strengthened union" in Marius Guderjan (ed.) The future of the UK: between internal and external divisions, pp. 102-123. Berlin: Centre for British Studies. [link] [pdf]
Schakel, Arjan H. (2016) "Applying multilevel governance" in Hans Keman and Jaap Woldendorp (eds.) Handbook of research methods and applications in political science, pp. 97-110. Cheltenham: Edgar Elgar. [link] [pdf]
Massetti, Emanuele and Schakel, Arjan H. (2016) "Buying support for Europe: the impact of cohesion funds on regionalist parties' positions on European integration" in Simona Piattoni and Laura Polverari (eds.) Handbook on cohesion policy in the EU, pp. 217-229. Cheltenham: Edgar Elgar. [link] [pdf]
Schakel, Arjan H., Hooghe, Liesbet and Marks, Gary (2015) "Multilevel governance and the state" in Stephan Leibfried, Evelyne Huber, and John Stephens (eds.) The Oxford handbook of transformations of the state, pp. 269-285. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [link] [pdf]
Schakel, Arjan H. and Dandoy, Régis (2013) "Introduction: territoriality of the vote. A framework for analysis" in Régis Dandoy and Arjan H. Schakel (eds.) Regional and national elections in Western Europe. Territoriality of the vote in thirteen countries, pp. 1-26. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan. [doi] [pdf]
Schakel, Arjan H. (2013) "The Netherlands: two forms of nationalization of provincial elections" in Régis Dandoy and Arjan H. Schakel (eds.) Regional and national elections in Western Europe. Territoriality of the vote in thirteen countries, pp. 162-178. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan. [doi] [pdf]
Schakel, Arjan H. and Dandoy, Régis (2013) "Conclusion: regional elections in comparative perspective" in Régis Dandoy and Arjan H. Schakel (eds.) Regional and national elections in Western Europe. Territoriality of the vote in thirteen countries, pp. 275-299. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan. [doi] [pdf]